We are excited to announce that this year’s Convention will be a hybrid in-person/online event Friday, April 12th, beginning @ 6:00 pm. The night is intended to be a fun time to share a meal together, celebrate what happened in NYI 2023 and look forward to what’s coming in 2024. Along the way, we will do a little business by voting on new terms, and members for the council.Then after all that we’ll hang out in Haven’s beautiful gym and play some group games. Best of all it’s FREE!!!! The meal will begin at 6pm for those in person, followed by the convention which will start at 7pm. Register your group below whether you will be in person or online. We hope you walk away encouraged, informed and ready to spring forward as we embark on another great year of ministry. We Thank you in advance for your participation and can’t wait to see you in a few weeks.


We would love to see you in person, and this year’s convention will be held at Haven Church, located at 5902 W Cactus Rd, Glendale, AZ 85304. While it’s always great to see you in person, we know that some won't be able to make due to your location, so this hybrid event will also be live-streamed on YouTube. Either way, please register your group above using the link. Even if you can’t make it in person, we encourage you to gather together as a group and watch the livestream together to get all the latest info for AZNYI. Your delegation will still have the opportunity to vote electronically so remember to register.


We have a few pieces of business to accomplish at this NYI Convention. If you have people in your churches that want to serve on the council, take a few seconds and nominate  them here. Otherwise register your delegation here. Included in the form are the guidelines regarding delegates, nominations and what to expect for this part of the NYI convention. 


Everyone is invited from teens, parents, young adults, to the hero’s our leaders. Just don’t forget to Register your Group!!!! However, only local NYI Delegates and Pastors can vote. Each church may select delegates at their local NYI annual meeting. Guidelines for the number of delegates are below. We would love for churches to bring their entire youth group to the event, even those who are not selected as NYI Delegates as after the meal and convention we will stick around and play some games together in Haven’s gym.


Do you have someone that would be a good candidate to Serve on the Council?

We need new nominations for Jr. High, Sr. High, Young Adult, or Adult. Nominate them below. On the nomination form, you will see the future council meeting dates in addition to the requirements for participating on the council. We have a few pieces of business to accomplish at this NYI Convention, including voting on the new reps for this year.


6:00 - Dinner and Fellowship

7:00 - Voting / Live Stream will Begin

7:15 - Presidents Report

7:30 - 2023 Recap

7:45 - Future Events

8:00 - Convention will conclude

8:05 - Group Games in Haven’s gym


District NYI Convention

The annual District NYI Convention provides for inspirational sessions and programs to advance youth ministry across the district. Reports are received, leadership is elected, and any legislative business pertaining to the work of NYI is transacted at the Convention. Delegates to the Global NYI Convention are also elected consistent with the NYI Global Ministry Plan.

The District NYI Council arranges for and oversees the District NYI Convention, in cooperation with the district superintendent. The Convention convenes at a time and place designated by the District NYI Council, with the approval of the district superintendent and within ninety days of the District Assembly.

The District NYI Convention is composed of the members of the District NYI Council, the district superintendent, local pastors, other assigned ordained ministers of the district who participate in NYI ministry, and local NYI delegates.

All local NYI delegates to the District NYI Convention must be members of the Church of the Nazarene that they represent.

The number of local NYI delegates for each church is determined by the membership figures on the most recent local Pastor’s Report prior to the District Assembly. District NYI leadership encourages local churches to make suitable arrangements for the expenses of delegates attending the District NYI Convention​​​​​

The local NYI delegation to the District NYI Convention for churches with 30 or fewer NYI members consists of:

  1. The pastor and youth pastor or any full‑time paid pastoral staff who participate in NYI ministry;

  2. The newly-elected local NYI president;

  3. Up to four elected delegates, with at least half being within the district-established NYI ministry focus.

  4. Local churches may add an additional delegate for each successive 30 local NYI members and/or final major part of those 30 members (i.e., 16–29 members). At least half of any additional delegates must be also within the district-established NYI ministry focus.

The pastor of any local church or director of an approved Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Center not having an organized NYI may appoint one delegate.

Number of elected delegates from a local NYI does not include ex officio delegates (NYI president, pastor, youth pastor, District NYI Council members from a local church, etc.).